Categories for Uncategorized

Wild Coast Sussex in Bloom Competition
A huge well done to Maia in Robins who has won the Wild Coast Sussex in Bloom Competition and will have her wonderful garden design…
The Rainbow Fish
Early Years have settled back to school like real Positive Pandas. They have loved being back with their friends and didn't take long to remember…
Year 2 News
Wow what an amazing, fun and positive start for Year 2 this week. We’ve been easing back into school life and really focusing on remaining…
Back to School
It's 'Everyone back to school' day this morning.  The staff are looking forward to seeing everyone and have lots of exciting activities planned to help…
Well done to EVERYONE who entered our extreme reading challenge this year! What a super amount of amazing entries we had in, thank you so…
Whole School Challenge
Today's Whole School Challenge is linked to World Book Week - it's 'Extreme Reading!' We love reading at Pashley!  So much that sometimes you can…