Pupil Premium Funding
It is recognized by the Government that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds may be at risk from falling behind the academic attainment of those pupils from more privileged backgrounds. There is also evidence to suggest that the rate of progress may be slower within this group. To alleviate the effects of this situation additional funding is made available to schools to redress this inequality.
This money is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils on their school role who are eligible (or have been eligible within the last 6 years) for Free School Meals or who are children of service personnel (or ex service personnel).
At Pashley we know that each child is unique and that disadvantage may manifest itself in a number of ways. We monitor the attainment of these pupils across a range of criteria and ensure that their rate of academic progress is comparable with other groups within the school population. We also recognize that there are other “vulnerable learners” within our community and provide similar monitoring and intervention plans to ensure that every child has the opportunity to make good progress at our school.