PE funding
Over the last year, teachers have taken part in Games CPD through team teaching. We have also continued to familiarise ourselves with our PE scheme and teachers are confident using this to teach a wide range of PE skills. All staff have their own PE kit, helping to raise the profile of PE and allow them to join in during lessons.
All children across the school, took part in Bikeability sessions run by the Bikeability trust. KS1 children developed their bike skills and some learnt to ride without stabilisers during these sessions. EYFS were introduced to using balance bikes and have weekly sessions run by school staff on the school’s own bikes to continue to develop their skills.
All year groups had sessions with a trained Rugby coach this year from Eastbourne Rugby club and KS1 had a cricket day with the team from Sussex Cricket. These sessions, allowed children the opportunity to try different sports and helped to create links with local sports clubs.
This year we have entered teams in Football and Handball competitions against other Eastbourne schools.
Children continue to take part in the Golden Mile and each class has timetabled slots each week for this. Certificates are awarded for reaching the different milestones. This has shown children that sport and exercise is valued and meant that children are exercising outside of their allotted PE time.
In 2022 we were able to go back to a whole school sports day. Children took part in a range of activities adapted for their age and abilities. In KS1 the children had the opportunity to take part in some across class races where certificates were awarded for achievement.