Parents’ Voice:

Inclusion and SEND

Thank you for your interest in Pashley Down Infant School.

Please use the links below to find out more about our Inclusive approach to learning, families and community.

If you would like more information, please contact Sharon Souto ( SENCO) or Nicki Williams (Inclusion Assistant).

01323 730719

Useful links:

i-go Scheme

Did you know that East Sussex County Council run the i-go scheme for young people with SEND or disabilities? It’s a free card that gives discounts to leisure and activity providers across East Sussex.

SEND Newsletter

You can also sign up for the monthly e-newsletter “Parent Voice” which is designed specifically for families of children and young people with SEND or disabilities. Sign up at here  (tick ‘Children and Families’ and sign up to Parent Voice)

East Sussex School Health Service (School Nursing Team)

School nurses can support with a range of concerns e.g. sleep patterns, hearing, bedwetting and diet. Please see the Inclusion Team for a referral or contact them directly on 01323446983.


“The new East Sussex Local Offer website was formally launched on 19 January 2022.

The new Local Offer website has been launched by East Sussex County Council providing a valuable resource hub of information about the services and support available to children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their families.

The website is a complete redesign of the Local Offer and has been carefully coproduced with a range of stakeholders including Amaze Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS), East Sussex Parent Carer Forum (ESPCF), Parent Carers, ISEND service teams and a range of other education, health and care professionals. The website aims to provide information in an accessible and easy to use format.

Some features of the new Local Offer include a modern design and coproduced illustrations, accessible navigation tools, audio readers for all text and a SEND specific directory, hosted on East Sussex 1Space.

East Sussex 1Space is free to use and brings together groups, services and organisations that offer care, support, activities and wellbeing services to people throughout the county. The 1Space directory offers multiple ways to search for services including keyword searches, or navigation through categories.

We encourage you to signpost staff and parents/carers to the Local Offer where they have questions regarding SEND.

Please click here to visit the new East Sussex Local Offer website.”