Online Safety
Teaching the children to use the Internet safely is imperative in our world today. At Pashley, our computing scheme of work covers Online Safety in engaging and age-appropriate ways. Teachers also use stories and role play regularly throughout the year, to help children understand the potential risks involved with using the internet, including what do in the event of something concerning happening. We feel that our children should be supervised when using the Internet – at home and at school – but they need to have these life skills to help them cope with situations they are not sure about.
We teach children about safe online communication, how to spot advertisements as opposed to real information, safe searching, not giving out personal information and more. These lessons feed in very effectively with our Pashley Values; responsibility rhinos know how to report concerning things to an adult, and kindness koalas never say anything online that they would not say in person.
On top of the physical monitoring of children using the internet – no internet use is unsupervised – at Pashley we also have a system of internet monitoring, whereby any harmful material can be filtered out.
Online safety lessons occur frequently at Pashley Down, but how can you teach your child to recognise risks and stay safe whilst using the internet at home? Here are some links that you may find very helpful:
To find out more about Online Safety at Pashley, please see our policy.
For any further advice, please speak to your class teacher or to Mr. Page.