Parents’ Voice:

Schools for Nature Certificate

June 7, 2024 - 3:27 pm
The Eco Warriors have been working on 2 projects this academic year and even been acknowledged by Sir David Attenborough for their important work.💛💚♻️🌎 They have learned about Biodiversity and the 3 Rs – Reduce , Reuse , Recycle and have managed to link these 2 projects together. 💛💚♻️🌎
They have been very creative by reusing and upcycling every day items to help wildlife. 💛💚♻️🌎
♻️ a tin can to make a bee nursery,
♻️a juice carton to make a butterfly hibernation house
♻️a plastic bottle to make a bird feeder,
♻️a dustbin lid to provide drinking water for our woodland animals.
♻️2 bicycle wheels to make a runner bean trellis.
♻️Milk cartons/ wellies / tin cans to make planters for flowers and vegetables .
♻️An old barrel to make a mini wildflower meadow .
We are so proud of their achievements and so is Sir David Attenborough. Today we received our Schools for Nature Certificate! Well done Pashley Eco Warriors.💛💚♻️🌎